Multishow Viagem (2014)

Updates were made to the "travel" idents for the Multishow channel. The goal was to create an experience where the viewer feels like they are traveling to a foreign, unknown country. The flags, which were initially created for the 2012 rebrand, have now been integrated into the scenery.

Update dos idents para o pilar "viagem" do canal Multishow. O objetivo é inspirar o espectador a se sentir em uma viagem à um lugar desconhecido. As bandeiras, elemento que já havia sido desenvolvido no rebrand de 2012, voltam integrados à paisagem.



To generate the footage, the designers from Globosat's Communication and Branding branch were instructed to film landscapes during their vacations. The brief was to capture images that wouldn't reveal the specific locations but were clearly not in Brazil. There were no restrictions on camera quality, as the aim was to achieve a visual style resembling amateur tourist videos. The flags, representing strange and unfamiliar territories, were then added to the footage.

The footage was recorded in several European cities including Bruges, Canterbury, Rye, Seville, Granada, and Amsterdam.

Para a captação de imagens, os designers da equipe de Comunicação e Branding da Globosat foram instruídos a filmar paisagens durante suas férias. O requisito era que as imagens não revelassem onde foram gravadas, mas que fossem evidentemente fora do Brasil. Não haviam restrições sobre a qualidade da câmera, já que o ideal era que as imagens lembrassem uma filmagem amadora de férias. As bandeiras, representando lugares estranhos e desconhecidos, foram integradas à imagem. 

As filmagens foram feitas em várias cidades europeias, incluindo Bruges, Canterbury, Rye, Sevilha, Granada e Amsterdã.



Client: Globosat - Multishow channel
Design/Animation: Luke Bosshard
Footage: Luke Bosshard, Gabriel Menezes
3D Compositing: Thiago Barros
Thanks: Thiago Barros, Leon Vilhena, Gabriel Menezes